Our School

Kersey Creek Elementary School building

Kersey Creek Elementary School, established in 2006, is home to 755 (and growing) caring Comets. We are proud to be a LEED school and are RAMP certified. We value the process of education and strive to create an innovative and creative learning opportunity for all students. We honor the partnership between our talented staff and supportive families. This collaboration fosters an educational environment of academic excellence.


Our commitment to giving back to our community is reflected in our participation in a variety of activities from food drives for the Christmas Mother to can tab collections for the Ronald McDonald House organizations. We invite you to be part of our community and the activities that occur throughout the year.

Faculty Recognitions

We are pleased to welcome our new staff members for this year: Tiondra Wright, school registrar; Nicholas Klesat, SYSOP; Officer Richard Cox, school resource officer;  Morgan Fuller, school counselor; Melissa Vessels, senior teacher; Tara Broom, clinic attendant; Leah Beard, reading specialist; Chantel Henry, first grade teacher; Kat Ballard, first grade teacher; Kat Gupton, first grade teacher; Shannon Jones, second grade teacher; Madeline Carter, speech pathologist; Amanda Lingor, SPED teacher; Andi White, fourth grade teacher; Whitney Rollins, fifth grade teacher; Diane Jackey, fifth grade teacher; Kevin Layne, positive behavior coach; Deylon Woodson, P.E. teacher (itinerant); Mary Green, art teacher (itinerant); Rathika Baskar, instructional assistant; Cathy Wieckmann, instructional assistant; Maddie Stiles, instructional assistant; Kimesha Rucker, instructional assistant; and Colleen Dorsett, cafeteria monitor.

Our 2023–2024 recognitions were: Teacher of the Year: Katie Peppers and Beginning Teacher of the Year: Ali Whiteside.

Fostering Respect for Self and Others

Students in house shirts cheeringSix Houses, One Family: Growing Together!
We were very excited to start our third year of the House System here at Kersey Creek Elementary! Whether you're in House Kula (respectful), House Balena (responsible), House Tatonka (trustworthy), House Nukumori (kindness), House Huruma (empathy), or House Ionracas (integrity), we are all Comets! Welcome to a great year of learning and growing together!

Create, Think, Grow

Learning is always a joyful experience at the Creek. We are very excited to have a community of teachers, administrators, parents, and business partners who support our mission to create, learn, and grow. Join us as we continue to build the rich legacy that is the essence of Hanover County Public Schools.

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