
Ukuleles hanging on the wallAt Kersey Creek, the general music program will provide a quality music education in a positive environment. Through whole class and smaller ensemble experiences, students learn to recognize music as a universal language, improve their music literacy, and understand that music can enhance the quality of their lives now and in the future.

All KCES Comets attend music class for one four-day cycle each month for 40 minutes. Students experience a variety of activities that cover the national music standards of learning and that reinforce classroom units.

In Class

Talent Day

All students have the opportunity to participate in two “talent days” each year. This gives students the chance to perform in a more intimate setting, helping them improve audience etiquette and build self-confidence.


Fourth-grade students learn how to play three notes and earn a “white belt.” They have an option to continue with the “Recorder Karate” program and earn up to 8 more belts—ending with the black belt.


We have 25 soprano ukuleles at Kersey Creek! Students in the fifth grade learn up to 6 chords and play simple folk and pop songs. Students in the third grade learn the basics of the ukulele and 3 chords.

Performance Opportunities

Fifth grade chorus and stage performances have been suspended temporarily.

Performing Arts Curriculum Philosophy

We believe…

  • Performing arts is essential for all students.
  • Performing arts education is a sequential process integrated with other fields of study.
  • Performing arts education incorporates history, math, science, language, reading, cultures, and aesthetics.
  • Performing arts education allows for the manipulation of the expressive qualities of their unique art forms.
  • Music and theater exist as a universal language of communication reflecting society. 


Ms. Amy Adams, Music Teacher

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